Music IQ

Forced Isolation – The Ultimate Win For Artists?

By Josh Needham / April 2, 2020 /

Are you an artist? Could you be missing out on the greatest opportunity of your life? It happened. What they said never would. The virus that was ‘under control’ now has much of the world on its knees. Some of us feel like goldfish in the fish bowl, watching what can only be described as…

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Why lyrics and music need to work together

By Josh Needham / February 3, 2020 /

I used to think lyrics didn’t matter at all. I’d write whatever junk came to mind (which my mind is full of) and write it down as completed, justifying my work based on the attitude of much of Kurt Cobain’s work (Nirvana), who’s apathetic approach saw him quickly become one of the world’s greatest songwriters…

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